Picture this. You’re having a night out with friends and it’s your turn to get you all some drinks. You walk towards the bar and suddenly she stands there: the potential girl of your dreams. You look at each other and then she smiles and says hello. You say hi back and tell the bartender …
How to play Stratego?
Stratego is a two-player strategy game that is played on a 10×10 board. Each player starts with 40 pieces that represent different ranks in an army, such as a flag, bombs, and various ranks of soldiers. The objective of the game is to capture the opponent’s flag while protecting one’s own. Each piece has a …
Enhance your ability to read quickly with these helpful suggestions
The technique speed reading is developed for quickly reading through large amounts of text in a limited time frame. It involves using a variety of techniques to increase the speed at which you read without compromising comprehension. Some of these techniques include using a pointer, skimming, previewing the material, eliminating distractions, and increasing your vocabulary. …
How to Grow Your Natural Hair (White Girls)
Growing your hair naturally can be a long and challenging process, but with the right techniques and a consistent routine, it is possible to achieve the luscious locks you desire. Here are a few tips to help you grow your hair naturally: Eat healthy A healthy diet is crucial for natural hair growth. The hair …
5 ways to spread kindness
With so much weird things going on in the world, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to actively try to spread more kindness. Being kind is a wonderful thing. You can truly change the course of someone’s day with your words and actions, so why wouldn’t you try to do that more? We will share …
How to incorporate meditation in your life
Nowadays, life can be very busy and complicated. To counterbalance that, you can practice some yoga. But have you thought about meditation? With meditation you will train your mind, attention and awareness. It can help to reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and pain. Sometimes it even helps with depression.Meditation is practiced in several eastern religions, …